The Technobit HEX16a Bitcoin Miner

Technobit HEX16a
I have been tooling around with some other miners and the Technobit HEX16a piqued my interest.  It's a 20 - 24GH ASIC miner based on 55nm Avalon ASIC chips.  Rail voltage and clock speed can be easily controlled through command line to adjust clock speed anywhere from 15GH to 24GH at the touch of a button.  Some power consumption and performance statistics below.

~24W - 15.86GH/s - 1.51W/GH
~56W - 20.30GH/s - 2.76W/GH
~74W - 21.28GH/s - 3.47W/GH
~92W - 22.85GH/s - 4.03W/GH
~108W - 24.15GH/s - 4.47W/GH HOT
Power Connector

They are stack-able and are powered by a standard ATX power supply hard drive molex connector.  The entire top of the device is dedicated to cooling with a very large heat sink attached and a 92mm fan it seems to be a very well designed product.  Simple and efficient.

Setup wasn't too bad.  I have a Xubuntu Linux machine dedicated to mining.  A few commands to set up cgminer and it was up and running.  The latest supported version of cgminer is 4.0.0 and requires some patches form Technobit to enable drivers for these devices.  

To get it up and running I used the following commands to install cgminer 4.2.2 - they may or may not all be necessary depending on what you already have installed. 

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libfox-1.6-dev
sudo apt-get install autotools-dev autoconf automake
sudo apt-get install libtool libncurses-dev yasm
sudo apt-get install curl libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev screen
sudo apt-get install pkg-config uthash-dev make git-core

You can then download this tar file that has already been compiled with the patch and autogen.
Just run sudo make after decompressing.

sudo ./ --enable-hexminera --enable-hexminerc --enable-hexminerb --enable-hexminer8
sudo make

Then start the miner from a terminal (example uses btguild stratum)

sudo ./cgminer --hexminerc-voltage 1100 --hexminerc-options 16:1500 -o -u user_name-p pass_word

I have found that Voltage 1100 (1.1V) and Clock 1500 is optimal for a steady 23GH
Also, recently I have been running 1090V and 1550 - Try it out

I have also heard, but not tested that 1090V and clock 1500 works as well.  That may save some power and be more efficient.

Here is a chart with the performance of HEX16A2, keep in mind that the consumption may not be very accurate:
1000/0900mV ~24W - 15.86GH/s - 1.51W/GH (less than 1% HW)
1300/1020mV ~56W - 20.30GH/s - 2.76W/GH (less than 2% HW)
1400/1060mV ~74W - 21.28GH/s - 3.47W/GH (less than 2% HW)
1500/1120mV ~92W - 22.85GH/s - 4.03W/GH (less than 2% HW)
1600/1160mV ~108W - 24.15GH/s - 4.47W/GH (less than 3% HW) - hot

Some great info on setup and configuration can be found here as well.

Contact me at if you have questions, or are interested in purchase.  I have a few of these to sell.


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